Right...my blog.
As you may be able to tell, I am the ultimate procrastinator. I mean well. I really do. I intended to update this once or twice a week with our little family goings-on, and somehow I've managed to avoid it for over two months now. Shameful.
Part of my reticence to sit down and write stems from the talent my husband displays each week over on his blog (The Kingdom of God and the Modern Mind). Seriously, please go check it out! It will challenge you, make you think, and hopefully strengthen your faith or bring up questions. My blog's one big advantage is that it's easier. He writes as an intellectual, forcing you to think and question and resolve -- I write as an intellectual taking a break and showing you what I pin-complished this week.
I'm hereby promising from this point forward to bring you weekly (or almost weekly) updates from the house of McPhee! We have some crazy adventures over here involving multiple kinds of stitching, doggie disasters, and marital moments (don't worry -- we'll keep things rated G around here), and so much more!
I might even get ambitious and back-fill a few posts including such things as our wedding(!), honeymoon, first camping trip, how we ended up with a dog, etc.
For now I'll leave you with a bit of holidayness:
While others were out scrambling for good deals on Black Friday, Isaac, Charlie and I stayed cozy and snug inside and unleashed Christmas explosion 2012 on our little home. One of the items we unpacked this year was a Family Advent book I received several years ago from my parents. It's a beautiful book that has one door to open each day until Christmas. I admit, I've never opened it until this year. It felt strange to open it and go through it without a family.
Well this year I have my own little family to share Christmas and we're creating our own special traditions. We are spending each morning in December opening one door of our advent and being encouraged to remember JESUS, who which, after all, is the reason for the season. We snuggle up on the couch, open up the book and Isaac reads the day's advent and we spend some time in prayer. A kiss, a hug, a pat on the head for Charlie and he's out the door for work. It's short, sweet, and wonderful!
It's a tradition I think we've already decided to modify to continue into the new year! What a blessing to have a praying spouse who loves the Lord first and me second.
Merry Christmas, everyone!!!
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