I am so proud of my husband! He just finished, and published, his second book!! This time he diverged from his initial subject, Physics, and took on another hefty subject: He looked at contrasting the Gospel (the Kingdom of God) and the Modern Mind (skeptics and popular cultural beliefs about man and God).
I had the pleasure of editing his book for him, and was thoroughly encouraged and challenged to reassess my reasons for believing. I questioned, argued, laughed, nodded in agreement, and thoroughly enjoyed reading his essays. His writing is first-person, and he engages his readers in following his process in debating the modern mind. Whether you agree with him or the Modern Mind he takes on, you won't be disappointed in the read. He'll challenge you to see both sides, and ultimately choose, and be strengthened in your convictions. The one option Jesus doesn't offer us is to remain luke warm. In his own way, Isaac emulates this by calling his readers to take a stance and be encouraged. Skeptics beware, you may find your foundations shaken. Christians and believers, take heart and be encouraged as he takes on the difficult topics of today's post-post-modern society and shows the Gospel to be relevant and true even today.
What does the Kingdom of God look like?
What does the Modern Mind stand for?
This collection of essays on faith, reason, God, man, science and philosophy, asks these questions and many others. Christians will be encouraged to seek God more fully and to proclaim their faith with renewed boldness, while skeptics will be challenged to look honestly at matters of faith and to question the premises of their own unbelief.
Order your own copy today, and while you're there, buy one for a friend or family member. You will not be disappointed!
Paperback or Kindle copies available here: The Kingdom of God and the Modern Mind
Read and agree, or even better, read and disagree, or challenge, or question! Isaac loves to engage with his readers to honestly discuss issues of faith, reason, science, the Gospel, and so much more! Then once you do, please share this on your blog, facebook page, twitter, google+, instagram... Just share the book love, and support an aspiring local author!
We're very proud of both of you! Can't wait to get my copy from Amazon!