Thursday, March 12, 2015

Lucy moments - 14 months

This is mainly a photo-dump of all the cuteness from the past month or so, but I also have a couple of Lucy-isms I want to remember.

The first is that she can say "nurse" and now has added "night night" to the mix -- both in sign language.  A few mornings ago she came to me with a paci in her mouth and started patting her chest.  I asked her if she wanted to nurse, nurse -- she grinned and patted her chest.  I then asked her if she wanted to go night night and signed "sleep".  She put her hand on the side of her face and tilted her head.  This girl knows what she needs!  It was a total melt my heart moment! 

Another morning I went in to get Lucy up from her nap. I could hear her chatting in her room.  I walked in and she was standing in her crib, grinning at me and chatting.  As I got close, instead of putting her arms up to be lifted out, she dove back into her crib.  What?  I looked for her paci, which sometimes falls out during her nap: nope, no paci. She sat up and I realized she had both giraffes in her hands already.  Weird.  Then she turns and dives again into another part of the crib.  This time I see it -- a purple paci tucked into the corner by the bookshelf.  Girl wanted all THREE pacifiers before she'd get up!

My little mischief maker!

So tired! 

Ava's play kitchen is her favorite place at Auntie's house!  This girl gets seriously busy in here! 

She's halfway there with the fork:
still can't spear food herself,
but she can self-feed once it's there. 

Black beans: plate-licking good! 

This is how we roll in Washington in winter: Shades, a blanket, and paci. 

Hot husband alert! 

Showing off her walking
AND her new hand-knit sweater from mama

My most favorite: she puts her hands up whenever she wants to be held now. If I don't immediately respond, she signs "come here" with her fingers, like she's drawing me in -- works. every. time. 

So much cousin love!
"She loves when I give her kisses on the nose!" - Caleb
My little mama

"In the dirt dad, the DIRT!" 

She's discovered peek-a-boo toes in the bubble bath! Pretty entertaining for both of us! 

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