My little Lucy! She's not so little any more. She keeps us laughing with her antics. She's becoming quite the little mama, tending and nurturing her baby doll, sharing her paci with her, even. That's no small thing if you know how our Lu loves her giraffe! She loves all babies (and kids) and is quite a social butterfly. She says "hi" and then "bye bye" to complete strangers that we pass in our car (if they're out walking or biking) and to almost everyone we pass while we're on foot.
She has 7 teeth: her front top four, bottom two, and one molar peeking out of her upper left gums. For now her teething has otherwise slowed down as has her drool production! :)
She still naps twice a day. We tried transitioning her to one nap per day...let's just say that experiment did not go well, and it was a happy, happy day when she went back to two naps. She still sleeps 7-7 most nights, unless she has insomnia, in which case all bets are off.
She loves to dance, is starting to sing, and is constantly adding new words to her vocabulary.
After a full month of having daddy at her constant beck on call, she's missing him now that he's in class all day (more on that in another post). All morning long I hear "where dada?" or "Where da-eee?" Oh, she fills my heart to overflowing!!!
Putting daddy "night night"
Sharing her paci with daddy so he can sleep
Tucking him back in. Such a little mama!
Lucy will finally eat bananas again, but only big girl style! She thinks it's so funny, and for me it's way less work and less mess! :) It's a win-win.
Yes, being an excellent mother I watched this unfold and took a photo before freeing her.
Pre-bed "sleeping" with daddy
She doesn't normally like apples... But anything mama is eating instantly becomes irresistible!
Car peek-a-boo! She learned this game long ago and it'd kind of lost its magic until recently.
In her daddy's overalls, asking "where da da?" So we sent him a picture
She's obsessed with these cups right now and I couldn't be happier! I had a similar set when I was little and I still remember how much I loved them. Plus, they're versatile, great for open-ended play, and transportable!
Again, I've already lost mom-of-the-year, so why NOT capture the moment before freeing
her from her self-imposed prison?
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