A few pictures from Lucy's second birthday. A big "thank you" to the family who came out to celebrate with us during this busy time of year!
Lucy is very into "bainbows" right now, so a rainbow cake seemed fitting!
Watching a video of herself with Grandma
We thought this year she might "get" the whole present thing... We underestimated the girl! She ran and picked out presents, ripped and tore into them like it was her JOB! It was a hoot to watch!
Tearing into presents
Checking out her new puzzle from Great Aunt Patty.
GG Nancy gave Lucy a great book about being a big sister -- great timing!
Don't let the photo fool you: she was on those presents like white on rice!
Thanking "Gunkle Yuke" for her new present!
Kids giving kids presents is about the cutest thing ever! Such excitement on both sides! "Elsa! Anna!"
Shoe break! She loves new shoes!
Then it was time for the cake!
Here comes the cake!
She was so excited about her cake!
Double fisting! Girl put away some treats!!
These two crazies!
When everyone had left, Lucy crashed for a great nap. Once she woke up, she went straight for her new toys. She cooked up a storm in her kitchen (she got new pots and pans -- and some food -- from Auntie and Uncle Brian), read her books, did her puzzles, then crashed to draw on her new Boogie Board from Nana. If you have a toddler (or any aged kid, really) and are reading this, get one of these! They are awesome! And they're cheapest at Costco. ;)
Post-sugar crash!
The first of many messy (mussy) kitchen photos
Checking out all her new books
When I was making dinner, I asked Lucy to go clean up her kitchen. She happily clomped off in her new high shoes. "Keen up didtchen" -- and off she went, and reappeared a few minutes later without shoes. I didn't really think anything of it until I found this after I tucked her in to bed tonight.
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