Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Lucy at Two!

Happy birthday to our sweet LuLu Bear!  You have brought such joy and richness to our lives.  Who knew two years in she'd wake up so sweetly, singing "Jesus Loves Me" and requesting books so she can stay in bed for a few more minutes with giraffe before starting her day.


Height:  34.8 inches
Weight: 27.8 pounds
Head:   19.5 inches

She's begun speaking in sentences and we're racing to keep up with her growing vocabulary and tenacity.  We knew from the start she would have a strong personality, and we haven't been disappointed.  The girl knows what she wants! She is fiercely independent, but still loves to give big hugs, sweet kisses, and sometimes even snuggles that we cherish for their rarity!  

Lucy loves to sing and be sung to, her favorite songs being "Jesus Loves Me", "Put Down the Ducky", and "The Hallelujah Chorus".  At any given point in the day you can hear her singing snatches of these songs to herself. 

Lucy's independence grows each day. She dresses (or attempts to, anyway) each day. She loves to undress herself, and changes her baby's diapers.  She can peel her own oranges, uses a fork and spoon at each meal, and even helps us unload the dishwasher!  She can put her toys away with some direction, and puts her dirty clothes away. She will even go get a fresh diaper for us when she's ready for a change.  She's very close to being ready to potty train.  At this point, we're just waiting for the holidays to be over so we can give her training our full attention. 

She is a very sweet and affectionate child.  She loves to give mama's baby kisses (on my tummy), and throughout the day she'll spontaneously run to Isaac or I while "mmm-ing" for a kiss.  She gives big hugs to all her friends and family, especially when it's time to go bye bye.  

She's always up for an outing - whether it's around the block or to "Big Dintie's house" (Auntie's big house).  She calls "Gunkle Bye" (Uncle Brian) on the phone almost daily, occasionally mixing it up with pretend calls to Nana and Grandma.  

A few of my favorite Lucy-isms: 

Glasses -- agass
Granola - ahnolia
Grapes - geeps or goops
music - immick
Hallelujah - hallelu-lu-lu-lah 
Wash up - wa-waf
Milk - mook
Sock - hock
Song - hong
Kiss - diss
Hot coffee - hot coppee
dog -- woof woof
cat - neow
raisins -- rainies 
Christmas - ki-mas

Last night as a 1 year old
We set up her kitchen while she was sleeping last night so she would wake up to it this morning.  

Last minute adjustments to Lucy's new (to her) kitchen
It was fun to get her up for her birthday and have her kitchen all ready for her to explore!

And then it was time for what will certainly become a tradition: birthday morning donuts! 

She really, really wanted to eat the donut with a fork! 

Working on just the frosting

Getting down to business on her favorite part!

She's spent the day cooking in the didtchen 

A couple days before her 2nd birthday:

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