Sunday, September 22, 2013

Final Week of my Second Trimester!

Happy Autumnal Equinox!

We love fall around here!  Today dawned cool and rainy with the sun peaking in and out behind the clouds between showers. It's a quintessential fall day!  And it happens to be the start of my last week of my second trimester! I've been looking forward to this fall with an extra measure of anticipation!  I'm so excited to start adding layers to my growing bump, and watching baby girl grow!

I'm up 21.5 pounds, and feeling great! As you can see: it's all gone to my face and front!

Isaac and I wanted to capture a few pictures of our family at this stage, and they turned out so well we decided to share them with you:

(I am LOVING my travel tripod and new prime lens!!!)

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