Monday, January 28, 2013

Catching up...

I assure you all that we are alive, if not entirely well. Isaac has a cold that he just can’t kick, which is very unusual for him!  I am thankful that so far it seems to be the same cold I already had (from him) so I am not getting sick. Of the two of us, he’s by far the more stoic sick spouse.  I tend to be rather dramatic and pitiful. I know you’re less than shocked by that revelation.

Anyway, we’ve been living life, and things are happening, but nothing to write about just yet. (Disclaimer: NO, WE ARE NOT PREGNANT!!!) I promise that when that time comes, I’ll announce it in a more personal way than just blogging.

I’ve been hard at work sewing for birthday gifts and special orders, which is why I haven’t had the attention span to blog lately. I’m keeping the gifts a surprise (and it’s killing me!!) at least until the first baby receives hers.  I’ve also started trying to increase my special orders!

I knit, crochet, and sew, and I enjoy always having something going. What better way to do this than take orders?!  I don’t want to go crazy and open an etsy store or anything that daunting, but I DO enjoy creating for those around me. 

Anyway, I’ll be posting some of my projects on here that I’d be willing to tackle again if you want to contact me about pricing! J

In other news, our Charlie dog is starting to look rather rascally! He’s taken a good sized notch out of his left ear and has a small bald spot on in the middle of his forehead.  While I’m concerned that our handsome boy is getting raggedy, Isaac loves it. He’s proud of how hard Charlie plays. He loves to run off the trail near our house and jump and tunnel through the brambles. Charlie doesn’t seem to mind the alterations to his appearance.

Last on the Charlie front, we clipped his nails for the first time this weekend. Any advice there is highly welcome! Some of the nails he let me do without much fuss, others he really reacted badly about. Is there a difference in sensitivity between clear and dark nails? I was very conservative as it always makes me nervous to get too near the quick (sp?). 

Though my blogging is sparse at times (I'm very guilty of mentally blogging and never actually sitting down to put fingers to keys and post), Isaac's blog is consistently posting once or twice a week, so go check it out: The Kingdom of God and the Modern Mind

Friday, January 25, 2013

Feeling thankful!

Today I feel an overwhelming spirit of thankfulness for the little and big blessings in my life!

To name a few, in no particular order:

1. My husband who faithfully walks Charlie each morning and then makes me coffee!
2. Starting the day with Top Pot Donuts! Yum!
3. Charlie dog putting himself to bed so I don't have to wrangle him into the spare bathroom!
4. Train commuting!
5. Thinking my hair was an out of control mess and having a friend tell me it looked like a hair volume commercial!
6. Bathroom stall doors that actually lock and stay shut!
7. Isaac for praying over me each morning
8. Isaac for trusting me enough to edit his blogs, and sharing his thoughts with me first!
9. Seriously -- a Top Pot Donut for breakfast! It's so delicious!
10. NOT being gluten-free!
11. Drinkable vitamins!
12. Walking to work to the sounds of Josh Groban
13. Our amazing new over-the-stove microwave! I'm thrilled! My man knows how to spoil me!
14. Time in the Word each morning
15. Feeling sore after a new workout
16. My incredible view from my desk
17. Just how much I love my husband! It just fills me with joy to love him
18. Wearing jeans to work
19. Awesome co-workers who randomly bring donuts to work (they're awesome regardless of donuts, but that makes them that much more amazing!)
20. My sweet Charlie dog!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Working in Seattle: Lunchtime Walk

There are times I thoroughly enjoy working in downtown!  I'm just a couple of blocks away from the waterfront, so on sunny days I find my way out there to soak up some vitamin D!  

I kind of love seagulls!!

  The ferris wheel is pretty awesome!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013


I struggle often times with feeling inadequate. It brings me to tears more often than not and brings my husband running to embrace me.  I am ever more thankful for him.  He knows me so well, even knowing each other such a short time.  God has truly orchestrated our romance and is guiding, protecting, and flourishing our marriage.  It is so much more than either of us could have expected or asked for it to be.  All glory to God.  We both readily admit we are fallen creatures in need of saving. 

The great thing about God is that we (I!) can come to him with my inadequacies and with His perfect love He, too, comes running and puts His perfect arms around me.  He calms my fears and assures me that I am perfected IN HIM.  He urges me to rest in Him and reassures me that in Him I am being glorified day by day.  “And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified.” (Rm. 8:20).  In fact, in Christ the work is already complete.

I may be an imperfect, sometimes unloving, easily overwhelmed, selfish, and so many other things that make me feel inadequate as a wife and a child of God, but He is more than adequate. He is perfectly everything we need in abundance.  He is rich in the sense that He has so much He cannot help but give.

And so today I am clinging to the peace that comes from knowing that He loves me in my imperfect state. And that I have a husband that lovingly emulates Christ in his selfless love of me.  I am doubly blessed.