Sunday, July 7, 2013

Quick onesie makeover

I'm finally beginning to feel better!  Of course my fingers have been itching for a craft during all my lounging.  Unfortunately, I didn't feel up to going to buy yarn, nor do we know the gender of our little one yet, so I didn't want to get started on too many knitting projects just yet.

I got the perfect opportunity to do some quick, fun crafting when my cousin, Victoria, told us she was in need of newborn onesies for her second little girl, who is due to make her appearance any time now! We had a lovely tea for her last weekend, and it just so happened that I was feeling good the day before!

I had a pack of girly onesies in my gift stash and pulled them out.  The same thing that kept me from gifting them before initially put me off this time.  Two of the onesies had garish, overly girlified "Princess" stamped on them.  Um, no thank you.  Nevermind that I think this little girl will be quite a loved, doted on princess, I just don't go in for cheesy titles on shirts.  I just don't.  Enter my awesome fabric stash!  I am pretty much incapable of throwing away any useable scrap of fabric that's more than 3"x4", so I have a lot of little girly scraps.  I pulled out several, and go to work determining the best compliments to the pink and white onesies.

Next came the fun part - deciding on an applique shape. I spent some time browsing Pinterest (any excuse, right?) and found some cute elephant shapes that seemed easy enough to trace on my screen (yes, you read that right -- I hate to waste perfectly good ink on printing out a silhouette that I can trace or freehand). Next, hmm... how about an oversized bow? I just love little girls in oversized bows!  Knowing that Tori isn't one to put her babes in overly frilly outfits, I decided to freehand the bow onto fabric and sew it onto the onesie.  I had some thought to making it 3D, but decided that for a newborn it was best to keep things simple.  I love the way they turned out and can't wait to get started on some for our little baby Mac when he/she makes an appearance!

1 comment:

  1. SO adorable! I can't decide which is my favorite! LOVE them both.
