Tuesday, January 17, 2017

No More Giraffe

Today was a big day in the McPhee household!  

We went to the pediatrician this morning for Lucy's three year checkup.  She is healthy, and in the 75th percentile for height and weight.  There were two suggestions from the doctor: First that we buy Lucy some scissors (gee, thanks, doc), and second that we take away the pacifier.  I talked it over with Isaac and we decided to rip off the bandaid.  We've been on the verge of taking it away several times, but a life event always seems to get in the way. 

When we came home, we took Lucy to her room and let her cut off the paci from her giraffe.  Her first time using real scissors.  She was excited about the scissors, but wailed pretty hard when she put the giraffe up to her mouth and the paci wasn't there to comfort her to sleep.  My poor little love! She was heartbroken. Absolutely devastated! She sobbed for her giraffe for at least 20 minutes while daddy sat with her and sang to her and I sat in the hall with Malcolm and cried!  I went in and calmed her down, and we let her get up from her "nap".  
Talking it through. Lots of tears. 

Cutting off the paci with daddy's help. 

Not thrilled with the end result. Poor sweet baby!

We took her to Target to pick out a present for giving up her paci (yes, we're those parents).  She had some birthday money left from her GG Pat so off we went!  She picked out some kinetic sand and purple scissors. 
Excited that she got to go to Target AND bring giraffe with her! 

Lucy and her brand new scissors!  She didn't want help at first, but I convinced her to let me give her a little cutting technique. 
Unorthodox cutting technique

I had to include this video because if you watch closely you can see her jaw moving in sync with each scissor cut.  She was so, so proud of herself! She did really great! 

Tonight Isaac was gone and I had to handle bedtime solo.  I covered this evening in prayer. So much prayer! I put Malcolm down, got Lucy bathed and in jammies, put on some music, and laid her down in bed. We sang some songs, prayed together, and she began to whimper that she didn't have giraffe. She did cry and scream, but it didn't last long. Within ten minutes she was quiet. I finally gathered up the courage to peek in at her an hour and a half later and found this sweet sleeper. We're not out of the woods yet, but this felt like a gift from God: a welcome respite in a season of hard parenting! 
Look at that sweet, sweet baby girl! Growing up so quickly! 


  1. such a sweet and hard post. When I put Lu to bed the other night, she wanted giraffe. I didn't get it--I remembered seeing Sophie in the play room, so went and got that. She clearly thought I was trying to be funny, so laughed obligingly. Clearly this was NOT the right giraffe. I found another one in the closet. Nervous laughter this time...then from somewhere deep in my brain I remembered! OH!! THAT giraffe! She was so instantly relieved and settled and went right to sleep, so I know this is a BIG DEAL for her!! I have some old mags that I keep JUST for cutting things out of, in a special box...(not to be mistaken for permission to cut any book or magazine one finds!)...I can give you a stack if you've already taken out all your NG's!

  2. such a sweet and hard post. When I put Lu to bed the other night, she wanted giraffe. I didn't get it--I remembered seeing Sophie in the play room, so went and got that. She clearly thought I was trying to be funny, so laughed obligingly. Clearly this was NOT the right giraffe. I found another one in the closet. Nervous laughter this time...then from somewhere deep in my brain I remembered! OH!! THAT giraffe! She was so instantly relieved and settled and went right to sleep, so I know this is a BIG DEAL for her!! I have some old mags that I keep JUST for cutting things out of, in a special box...(not to be mistaken for permission to cut any book or magazine one finds!)...I can give you a stack if you've already taken out all your NG's!
