Saturday, June 20, 2015

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day to my love, Isaac McPhee! 

You teach me so much about our heavenly Father by your love, gentle discipline, and patience for our sweet Lucy! We love you so, so, SO much! Thanks for loving your girls well!

We spent the day together, serving at the church, then heading up to Franklin Falls for a family hike.  Note to Selves: Do NOT hike on a family-friendly weekend day, if possible. It was crowded!! We still had a ton of fun, though, once we found parking. ha! 

We weren't the only ones in this transportation situation!
 Denny Creek is beautiful!

Tree Love!

Franklin Falls is a great family hike near Snoqualmie Pass.  It's so refreshing on a hot day when you reach the falls and the breeze (or wind depending on the day!) blows a fine mist over you. The elevation gain is slight, so it's great for kiddos. I saw many kids not much older than Lucy walking the whole thing! Just take it from us: it's best on a weekday or it's suuuper busy!

Daddy and Lucy throwing rocks

She loves her dada! 

Let's pretend she's a budding lefty, even though she's 95% righty! 

Dada, Mmmmm!
Translation: Dada, come get in on this kissin' action! 

High Five! "Bye?!"

Mama love

Photo Credit: Isaac McPhee
Love the angle on this one! A perfect day! 

I love that it looks like we're alone! 

Signing water and saying "wawa"

This little profile! 
 We ended the day with a wonderful home cooked meal: steak and potatoes -- elevated! (We're big Masterchef fans!)  This was the least we could do to show our appreciation for such a wonderful father!
The "We" on the card is Lucy and Mama -- Let's not go starting any rumors!  ;)

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